Some thoughts on razor blades
I am going to try something a little different here. Firstly I will introduce some concepts, then I will write a little story to tie them together. The Iridium blade. […]
I am going to try something a little different here. Firstly I will introduce some concepts, then I will write a little story to tie them together. The Iridium blade. […]
Firstly a disclaimer, the variety of traditional shaving kit on sale is so vast that the choices are effectively infinite. And because you are different to the next man so […]
One of the really bad things about the multibladed system razors is that they try and force a communist like conformity. Supposedly we are all the same and must all […]
Once again this is not an academic paper, just a list of some of what is available. I have not included any supermarket own brands/re-labels. Obviously one factory can make […]
With the constant background threat of a shavepocalypse and the huge economy of buying in bulk most traditional shavers have several years supply of razor blades stashed away. The same […]
In an auction in Delaware, USA, last week Energiser bought the bankrupt American Safety Razor Company for just $301 million. You may be wondering how this effects you. American Safety […]
One of the great joys of real, traditional shaving is the huge diversity of kit available. You could have many dozens of razors without having two the same, the same […]
In the razor blade industry you would think that all the management would know their business model. They are making a blade that lasts for a few shaves and is […]
This is the question I get asked most. Someone wants to come over from the dark side and start real shaving. Suddenly they are confronted with infinite choice. This is […]
One of the delights of real shaving is that you can choose the blade that you like. You are not limited to buying off one monopoly supplier like you are […]