Fake Iridium blades
The Pogonotomy forum member mitsimonsta posted these pictures (and more) to the forum so that members could identify the fake Iridium razor blades that are currently being distributed and sold […]
The Pogonotomy forum member mitsimonsta posted these pictures (and more) to the forum so that members could identify the fake Iridium razor blades that are currently being distributed and sold […]
Gillette make fantastic double edged (DE) razor blades at the Petersburg Products International (PPI) factory in Russia that they (or their parent Procter & Gamble) 65% own. But Gillette also […]
Several times on this blog I have commented on the tenuous relationship between quality and price in traditional shaving. There are shaving soaps and creams with fancy names on them […]
In October last year the supply of Iridium razor blades, made by Petersburg Products International (PPI), suddenly dried up, retailers world wide could not get any more from anywhere. Once […]
I am going to try something a little different here. Firstly I will introduce some concepts, then I will write a little story to tie them together. The Iridium blade. […]
Firstly a disclaimer, the variety of traditional shaving kit on sale is so vast that the choices are effectively infinite. And because you are different to the next man so […]
Once again this is not an academic paper, just a list of some of what is available. I have not included any supermarket own brands/re-labels. Obviously one factory can make […]
With the constant background threat of a shavepocalypse and the huge economy of buying in bulk most traditional shavers have several years supply of razor blades stashed away. The same […]
Regular readers here will know of Petersburg Products International, the factories near St Petersburg airport in Russia that are 65% owned by Procter & Gamble where about a dozen of […]
The key to traditional shaving is the double edged (DE) safety razor blade invented by King Camp Gillette which has been in continuous production now for over 100 years. This […]