Greetings everyone, this is the last post I am going to make here in 2010, with the festive season rapidly approaching there are more important demands on my time. Service will resume in the new year and I would like to thank everyone who has visited here and read something, which is getting to be rather a lot of people. In the interim I will still be contributing to the Pogonotomy forum, which has some interesting discussions going on.
There are now 173 articles here at Bruce on Shaving, which is a respectable body of work. The search function using the box on the right hand side is really useful if there is something specific you want to know. There are 456 comments, which is a fantastic contribution from visitors to this site. Well done and thank you.
Looking at Google analytics shows that web traffic here is on a steadily upwards path, almost a straight line. Which is unsurprising as this is a reflection of ever increasing web presence, rather than any marketing effort, which tends to produce spikes. Total visitors here are now (since July 7th) 43,303 with 94,376 pageviews (and remember there are 10 articles per page when you don’t view them directly). Average time on site is 4.34 minutes, which is a long time in internet terms and shows that the content is being read. More visitors come from the USA than the next dozen countries put together.
Looking at the one month period November 11 to December 12 shows 15,591 visits, 33,650 page views, 2.16 page views/visit and 4.29 minutes average time on site. This is about half way towards my initial target and is not too bad considering the marketing budget is zero. If you do have the opportunity to mention this site in any way online it would be mightily appreciated.
So between now and January please have a fantastic festive season. And keep on enjoying the luxury of traditional shaving!
Thanx for this great site and Happy Holidays!
Greetings from Austria,
Hi Bruce, Merry Xmas & Happy New Year, Thanks for great site and articles. Regards, Mike