Some long English words at the top there. I hope I get their meanings right. They all originate from the ancient Greek word pogon which translates as beard in English. It is the suffixes that create a whole pile of different meanings. Note that good words in English have a Greek stem and suffix/prefix or a Latin stem and suffix/prefix. Mixing the two with say a Greek stem and a Latin suffix/prefix is naughty. So pogonicle for a small beard wouldn’t really be on.
Pogonotomy. Tomia is the Greek word for cutting so what we literally have here is beard cutting, or what we call shaving.
Pogonotrohpy. Trophe is the Greek for nourishment. So what we have here is growing a beard, or not shaving.
Pogonophile. Philia is the Greek word for love. So this is someone who likes or is even obsesses about their beard.
Pogonophobe. Phobos is the Greek for fear or hate. So this is someone who has a dislike or irrational fear of beards.
Pogonologist and Pogonology. Logos is the Greek word to study. So here we have a beard expert and the science of studying beards.
Pogonic. Ikos is the Greek for pertaining to. So this is for anything related to a beard. This blog is pogonic.
Pogoniatry. Iatros is Greek for healer. So this would be the medical study of beards.
Pogonectomy. Ectome is the Greek for excision. So this would be the removal of a beard.
Enough. As you can see this is a simple game. Take any suffix in the English language that comes from ancient Greek and add it to pogon and you have a valid English word relating to facial hair. There are 102 Greek language elements here for you to have some fun with.
Even more fun, at the time of writing this there are a couple of valid English words that can only be found in this article on the whole interwebs thing.